Costa Rica Fibre Optic Network
In Costa Rica, fibre optic network grew 146% in one year. Costa Rica put out to public audience a telecommunications development plan with public policy goals to 2024. There are three areas in the plan, connectivity for wellbeing, radio-electric spectrum and digital competences for development.
The objectives of the plan are to advance towards digital disruption, promoting the management of radio-electric spectrum, the deployment and access to fixed and mobile telecommunications networks, reducing the digital divide and developing digital skills, among others.
Hooray… Fibre Optic internet services are in such high demand in Costa Rica, with that being said Nikori will include high speed internet that will be available to all of our social areas and to every Nikori home.
In that sense, there have been two programs… one, called connected communities, seeks to bring fixed and mobile services to different districts of Costa Rica. The other program that has been developed that is very compatible with the idea of the fibre optic network is known as connected public spaces.
During this period, it went from 78,417 to 192,996 kilometres of fibre optic networks throughout the country, revealed a comparative analysis of the Costa Rican Telecommunications market, carried out by the Superintendency that regulates this market. This allows better bandwidths and stability. The growth of the network goes hand in hand with the increase in Internet service subscriptions through fibre optics.
Telecommunications Fund – which has enabled the construction of 2,175 kilometres of fibre optic networks to connect 513 parks and squares throughout the country, which today have free Wi-Fi Internet networks. Internet subscriptions higher than a download speed of 10 Megabytes (in all technologies) have gone from 9% to 54% in the last 2 years, as a result of the greater demand and supply of this service in the population.